এমএমআর জালালের কলাম - ০২

এম. এম. আর. জালাল এর ছবি
লিখেছেন এম. এম. আর. জালাল (তারিখ: মঙ্গল, ২৪/০৭/২০০৭ - ৫:০৯পূর্বাহ্ন)

সম্প্রতি খবরে প্রকাশ
Unite against wicked politics: Dr Kamal

"Eminent jurist Dr Kamal Hossain yesterday called on all to unite against wicked politics in the country.

The nation could not fulfill the aspirations of martyred freedom fighters and the great leaders because of wicked politics, he said at the publication ceremony of a book titled Formula One by Maj (retd) Ameen Ahmed Afsari.

"Since honest politics no longer dominates and wicked politics has replaced it, we could not deliver the fruits of the freedom to the people," Dr Kamal said.

He also said the wicked politics has paved the way for fundamentalist politics in the country.

The nation has become stronger to a great extent after 36 years of independence, he said, adding that it is high time to unite against all kinds of wicked politics."


What a country!. Everybody is honest now!

We need justice him first in front of National Monument. He never acknowledges this statement after he back from Pakistan in 1972.

Please read what he did in 1971 in "The Washington Post" 7th April 1971.

এমএমআর জালাল
"ফিরে দেখুন একাত্তর, ঘুরে দাড়াক বাংলাদেশ"


নতুন মন্তব্য করুন

এই ঘরটির বিষয়বস্তু গোপন রাখা হবে এবং জনসমক্ষে প্রকাশ করা হবে না।