Writing about our liberation war is often a hard undertaking; primarily because of the emotions that get attached but also because I do not want to promote hatred towards anyone because of past events. I honestly believe that in order for us to move forward as a nation and as a unified form of humanity, hatred is a big barrier for many of us. Keeping that in mind, I also believe that every citizen of our country, especially the younger ones (meaning us), should be aware of the toil that was put in so that we can call ourselves Bangladeshi. Another reason that makes it difficult is the ambiguity that lies our in factual history as a result of dirty politics. It's become worse than calling someone a communist in the US.
ব্লগের সুবিধা হলো মূলধারার মিডিয়াতে যা মুখ ফসকেও বলা যায় না সেটাও নির্দ্বিধায় লিখে ফেলা যায়। মূল...